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This Crossing Travel Company website (“Website”) is owned and operated by CROSSING TRAVEL COMPANY Limited (“Crossing”, “we”, “us”, “our”) a company registered in England and Wales with its Registered Office at 10 John Street, London WC1N 2EB, United Kingdom (company number 07399000). 


You may only use this Website:

  • for your own personal, non-commercial use only (which will at all times be reasonable and not abusive); or
  • to obtain information on, check the suitability and availability of our products and services; or 
  • for purposes legitimately connected with purchasing our products and services; or
  • to access or retrieve your travel information and/or booking data, manage your preferences or to get into contact with us about your bookings or travel arrangements; or
  • submit and share your views, reviews and comments on our products and services.


Normally when you purchase our products and/or services and book travel arrangements on this Website your agreement is with CROSSING TRAVEL and if not we will make it clear to you that CROSSING TRAVEL is acting as an agent for another travel provider 

In addition, when you book any products or services from us, you will do so subject to these Website Terms and Conditions, our Booking Terms and Conditions and such further terms and conditions as may be applied by the hotel where you will be staying (together, the “Conditions of Contract”). These Conditions of Contract constitute the entire agreement and understanding between you and CROSSING TRAVEL in relation to their subject matter. By proceeding with a booking, you acknowledge that you have read and understood all of the Conditions of Contract and agree to be bound by them. However, if you do not or cannot accept our Conditions of Contract in full, you must stop using our Website immediately. These Conditions of Contract may vary from time to time. By browsing this Website you accept that you are bound by the Conditions of Contract current at the time when you browse or book.

Please note that CROSSING TRAVEL may provide accommodation from a wide range of third party accommodation providers. The provision of these arrangements will be subject to the terms and conditions of each provider or carrier as part of your Conditions of Contract with us..


Information About You, Data Protection, Privacy Policy and Cookies

We will store and use the information you supply us or which is supplied to us in your use of this Website (“your information”) for the purposes set out in our Privacy Policy. You will be/would have been asked to agree to our use of your information at the appropriate time. If you do not agree, we cannot interact with you or accept your booking.


Crossing Travel Company Ltd respects your concerns about privacy. This Privacy Notice (the “Notice”) applies to personal data we collect on (the “Site”), the personal data we collect at the time of accepting your booking or at any other time in our interactions with you via various medium such as WhatsApp, telephone, email etc. The Notice describes the types of personal data we obtain, how we use the personal data, and with whom we share it. We also describe the rights you may have and how you can contact us about our privacy practices.

We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our clients; this policy sets out how we will treat your personal information.

Crossing is the data controller in respect of personal data that we collect through the Site or through other medium detailed elsewhere in this Policy. Our contact details can be found at the How To Contact Us section at the end of this Notice.  This policy sets out the following

  • How we obtain information.
  • Information we obtain.
  • How we use your information.
  • With whom we share your information.
  • How long we keep information.
  • How you can access your information.
  • Your Rights and choices with respect to the collection and use of your information.
  • How we protect your information.
  • Changes to this Privacy Policy.
  • How you can contact us.

Visitors to the Site are subject to important limitations. Please review our Conditions of Use, which govern your visit to this Site on the World Wide Web.

How We Obtain Information About You

We may collect personal data that you choose to provide to us through the Site, including, but not limited to, your first and last name, physical address, e-mail address, or telephone number. We may also collect information when you communicate with us – for example, on a social media platform  eg Whats App or by sending us an email or contact us over the phone

When you visit our Site, we also may collect certain information by automated means using technologies such as cookies, non-cookie-based tokens, web server logs, tracking pixels, and web beacons.

  • A cookie consists of information sent by a web server to a web browser, and stored by the browser. The information is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. This enables the web server to identify and track the web browser;
  • We may use both “session” cookies and “persistent” cookies on the website;
  • We will use the session cookies to: keep track of you whilst you navigate the website;
  • We will use the persistent cookies to: enable our website to recognise you when you visit;
  • Persistent cookies will remain stored on your computer until deleted, or until they reach a specified expiry date;
  • Your browser may tell you when you receive certain types of cookies and how to restrict or disable certain cookies.

Please note, however, that without cookies, you may not be able to use all the features of our Site. Non-cookie-based tokens are encoded URL-based identifiers that track e-mail click-through activity or time-sensitive password reset keys and will work in scenarios where cookies are disabled or a session has not been initiated.

We may also collect personal data in other contexts that we will notify you of at the time.

Information We Obtain. Information That You Provide to Us

Personal data that you provide directly to us will be apparent from the context in which you provide it:

In General. In order to process your booking, we need to collect certain personal details from you. This includes information that can identify you (“personal information”), including your first and last name, telephone number, postal and email addresses, fax number, and credit card information (such as credit card number, cardholder name, and expiration date). We also may request information about your hotel room preferences, loyalty, frequent flyer and/or car rental programme information. You can choose not to provide information to us, but in general some information about you is required in order for us to proceed with your booking

Travel Companion Information. When you make a reservation for someone else through Crossing, we will request personal information and travel preferences about that individual. You should obtain the consent of other individuals prior to providing us with their personal information and travel preferences, as any access or change to their information will only be available only through our dealings with you.

Social Media/Facebook/ WhatsApp. If you make use of any social media features on our website or on Whats App, the social media provider may send us information in line with their policies That information may include your name, profile picture, gender, friend lists and any other information you have chosen to make available. Information regarding hotel recommendations or any savings or discounts exchanged between you and your friends may also be shared. Please note that, if you have Facebook friends who are using Crossing, they may also have shared information about you with us through Facebook. If you wish to prevent that sharing, you can do so by editing your Facebook privacy settings or the relevant settings/preferences for other social media providers.

Information That We Collect Automatically

Our web servers may log information such as your operating system type, browser type, domain, and other system settings, as well as the language your system uses and the country and time zone where your device is located. The web server logs may also record information such as the address of the web page that referred you to our Site and the IP address of the device you use to connect to the Internet. They may also log information about your interaction with the Site, such as which pages you visit. To control which web servers collect information by automated means, we may place tags called “web beacons” — small files that link web pages to particular web servers and their cookies. We may also collect information from your browser, such as your browsing history, and use it in conjunction with data gathered from forms and e-mails to help us understand and respond to your needs.

“Do Not Track” Signals

Your browser settings may allow you to transmit a “Do Not Track” signal to websites and online services you visit. Like many other websites and online services, we do not currently process or respond to “Do Not Track” signals from your browser or to other mechanisms that enable choice. Both we and others (such as our service providers) may collect personal data about our visitors’ online activities over time and across third-party websites.

How we use your information

We use credit card information (such as cardholder name, credit card number, and expiration date) for the purpose of completing the travel bookings you place with us. We use other information about you for the following general purposes: to provide you with the products and services you request; to provide you with travel confirmation and updates; to manage your account, including processing bills and providing travel notifications; to communicate with you in general; to respond to your questions and comments; to allow us to contact you for customer service, if necessary; to measure interest in and improve our products, services, and website; to notify you by email or post about special offers and travel-related products and services that may be of interest to you; to reward you as part of any reward and recognition program you choose to join; to solicit information from you, including through surveys; to resolve disputes, collect fees, or troubleshoot problems; to prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities; to enforce our Terms of Use; and as otherwise described to you at the point of collection.

Email Communications. We want to make it easy for you to take advantage of travel-related opportunities. One way we do this is by sending you email messages that contain information about your travel-related interests. We believe these email messages will provide you with useful information about travel-related special offers available through our sites. Please note that you will have the opportunity to choose not to receive these email messages in any such email we send.

Please review “Your choices with respect to the collection and use of your information” below to exercise your rights regarding email communications.

With whom we share your information

Crossing Travel may share your information with the following entities:

  • Suppliers, such as hotel and other vendors, who fulfill your travel reservations. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third-party travel supplier whose products you purchase through Crossing Travel. Please note that these suppliers also may contact you as necessary to obtain additional information about you, facilitate your travel reservation, or respond to a review you may submit.
  • Third-party vendors who provide services or functions on our behalf, including credit card processing, business analytics, customer service, and fraud prevention. 
  • Companies within our corporate family. We may share your personal information with our corporate affiliates in the leisure and travel sector. This sharing enables us to provide you with information about products and services, both leisure- and travel-related, which might interest you. To the extent that our corporate affiliates have access to your information, they will follow practices that are at least as restrictive as the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

We also may share your information:

  • When we believe it is appropriate to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal or suspected illegal activities; to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of Crossing, the website or users of the website; and in connection with our Terms of Use and other agreements.
  • In connection with a corporate transaction, such as a sale of a subsidiary or a division, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

How Long We Keep Information

The time period for which we keep personal data depends on the purpose for which we collected it. In all cases we keep it for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we collected it. We will then delete the personal data, unless we are legally required to retain it or if we need to retain it in order to comply with our legal obligations (for example, for tax and accounting purposes).

Subject to any applicable legal requirements, we typically retain personal data as follows:

  • Personal data you provide to us through our Site: we keep this personal data for as long as necessary in order to respond to your request, and for a short further period in case you send us further requests.
  • Personal data you provide to us through the the travel booking process: we keep this personal data for as long as necessary in order to manage access to your account, and for a short further period in case you send us further requests.
  • Personal data collected for analytics purposes: we keep this personal data for a short period of time necessary for us to carry out the analytics.

How you can access your information

  • You may ask us to access, delete or modify the information that we hold about you by emailing us at

Your Rights and Choices

If you are located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or Switzerland, you may have the following rights in relation to personal data that we hold about you:

  • To request confirmation of whether we process personal data relating to you, and if so, to request a copy of that personal data;
  • To request that we rectify or update your personal data that is inaccurate, incomplete or outdated;
  • To request that we erase your personal data in certain circumstances, such as where we collected personal data on the basis of your consent and you withdraw your consent;
  • To request that we restrict the use of your personal data in certain circumstances, such as while we consider another request that you have submitted, for example a request that we update your personal data;
  • Where you have given us consent to process your personal data, to withdraw your consent; and
  • To request that we provide a copy of your personal data to you in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format in certain circumstances.

You may contact us by e-mail or as described in the “How to Contact Us” section below to exercise your rights described above.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority in your country.

Your choices with respect to the collection and use of your information

  • As discussed above, you can choose not to provide us with any information, although it may be needed to make travel bookings.
  • Social Media Services – You can choose to access certain third party social media websites and services (such as Whats App) while making a booking with use. When you do so, you are sharing information with those sites and the information you share will be governed by their privacy policies (including that the site may share information with us). You may be able to modify your privacy settings with these third party social media websites. Please refer to the relevant provider policies for more information.
  • The Help portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. Please note that if you refuse to accept cookies from Crossing you will not be able to access portions of our site.

How we protect your information

  • We want you to feel confident about using Crossing to make hotel and travel bookings, and we are committed to protecting the information we collect. We have implemented appropriate administrative, technical, and physical security procedures to help protect the personal information you provide to us. For example, only authorized employees are permitted to access personal information, and they only may do so for permitted business functions. In addition, we use encryption when transmitting personal information that is sensitive to you (e.g., credit card details) 

Changes to this Privacy Policy

  • We may update this Privacy Policy in the future. We will notify you about material changes to this Privacy Policy by sending a notice to the email address you provided to us or by placing a prominent notice on our website.

How you can contact us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy (or your travel planning or purchases), please contact us at:

This Privacy Policy is effective as of 24th May 2018.

Disclosure of information

We do not sell or disclose your personal information to other companies without your prior consent. We do not sell mailing lists to third parties. The internet. 

If you communicate with us via the internet then we may occasionally use email to contact you about our services and products. When you first provide personal information to our website we will normally give you the opportunity to indicate whether you would prefer us not to contact you in this way. However, you can always send us an email at any time to change your preferences.

We may amend this policy from time to time, in which case the amended version will be published on our website. This policy applies to personal information held about individuals. It does not apply to information we hold about companies and other organisations.


Statutory Rights.

These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights.

Updates and Changes

We may remove or make changes to the products, information, content, materials, tools and features on this Website at any time without liability and without notice to you. We also reserve the right to immediately terminate or suspend your use of or access to this Website at any time and without notice if we consider that you have breached any of our Terms and Conditions. We may also change or modify all of any parts of our Terms and Conditions at any time and such changes or modifications shall be effective immediately upon their publication. You should review these regularly to ensure you are familiar with the most up to date version. Browsing and continuing to access or use our Website constitutes your acceptance of the updated terms and conditions and you agree to by bound by the updated terms and conditions. 


To the maximum extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied by statute, custom or usage relating to the information contained in this Website and we shall not be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise arising from this website, or from any interruption or delay in accessing this Website.

Governing Law 

This Website has been designed for use within the United Kingdom. By accessing this Website you are agreeing that the Courts of England will deal with any disputes which may arise between you and us, and that English law shall be the applicable law.

Crossing Travel is a travel service company tailored to design unique and memorable trips for the modern traveler.